North Doodle Co

Narrative perspective and creative writing workshops

Jess MahyComment

Third person:


1.     There are long boats and short boats


2.     Fast boats and slow boats


3.     Some boats catch lots of fish 


4.     Others take lots of people cruising


5.     Some boats explore under water and some just above


6.     There are boats for adventures and boats that are homes


7.     There are old boats and new boats 


8.     Working boats 


9.     and boats just for fun 


10.  .


11.  .


12.  . 



First person:


Hello my name is Hurley and I come from a long line of sailors. My family for generations have sailed the sea and have had many adventures and from their adventures have collected boats. We have so many boats and now we have our own island… Boat Island. I will be your tour guide and show you all the ones we have in our collection. OK lets go!


This is our longest boat and this is the shortest 


I love this boat as it goes really fast, my grandma likes this one as it goes slow and is relaxing.


This is the fishing boat we use to catch the fish of the day, it’s a bit smelly


Our cruise boat is popular and people come and stay for a holiday and enjoy the entertainment on board. 


We have a boat that we can use to go underwater and explore the deep sea


And then there is the hover boat which moves above the water like magic.

This is our pirate ship which we go out to sea and have adventures on 


But we always come back home to our house boat which we just about all fit it.